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What We Have learned About International Air Ambulance Services

Our Experience

Air Ambulances from abroad to the US can vary in cost wildly depending on many variables, most importantly the medical status of the patient flying, specifically related to their needs. There are 2 primary approaches, commercial or private flights, that will fundamentally define the exorbitant cost, between $50K to $180K. US based health insurance will only cover flights within the United States. That is to say that the cost of flying into the US will be out-of-pocket, unless you have purchased special travel insurance, see our travel insurance post for more on them. Some insurance companies may cover the remaining flights within the US except for the deductible.

Our experience has been focused on Portugal, but we are sharing our experiences to help others that may fall into a similar circumstance. The US Embassy in Lisbon, Portugal provided no assistance and information of little value. We have been told to call them so many times, but the only response they give is a list of not vetted air ambulance companies and an offer for a possible low interest government loan. With persistence we are hoping to reach the ambassador, or somebody that can be more helpful. We have heard in many cases constantly reaching out can improve your chances with a US Embassy. We believe the only way the loans make sense is if your insurance will reimburse you for international air ambulances, which seems rare, if at all, or if you believe you can raise the funds to pay the loan over a longer period of time.

Below is a list of companies we have been in contact with. We are by no means recommending any of them, as we have not raised enough money to actually make use of their services. In the next posts we will speak more specifically to the pitfalls that you may encounter regarding these air ambulance flights. It is important to be very careful with any contract you sign with an air ambulance company. There is no international regulation, and that in the states is fairly new, they have had to introduce laws to protect consumers from their predatory practices. Some stories reveal them putting a lien on peoples homes over balance billing, though this may no longer occur with flights within the US, it certainly is still a possibility with international flights. While in the last decade the amount of companies engaging in this industry have doubled, due to lack of oversight the costs to the consumer have more than doubled.

We have been lucky enough to speak with some of the groups working within the US to fly children in need of medical help for free. They have warned us of the “used car salesman” mentality of many of the companies, which we can confirm. They have a tendency to pressure you to make quick decisions, don’t, use your intuition and experience, and have qualified people review any contract before you sign it, if you can afford it, if not, be skeptical, do not trust they have your best interests at heart, ask many questions. They are not altruists like the non-profits helping children, they are a morally complicated for-profit system.

We have called a great many providers, the below list contains information from those that offered us an estimate. The estimates are dependent on the status of the patient. Diana is in a coma, which complicates the process more. If she recovers to a point where she is transferable via commercial flights there are clearly more options at considerably lower prices.

Private Flight Air Ambulance
Commercial Air Ambulance

List of Air Ambulance Providers (and the Details they Gave Us)

  • Flying Angels
    • Commercial Flights
    • Patient must be able to travel in sitting position, stroke wheelchair with head support
    • $28k from Portugal to Portland
    • The lowest quote we received
  • Angel MedFlight Worldwide Air Ambulance Services
    • Private Flight
    • $190k from Portugal to Portland
  • Air Med Group
    • Commercial Flights
    • Dependent on commercial flight costs, and the patient being able to travel with minimal medical support
    • $48k from Portugal to Portland
    • *note from them: ***Braga, Portugal to Seattle, Washington***. This Quote is considered bedside to bedside services with no hidden charges. We highly recommend you book as early as possible as airfares are on the rise which could change your cost. Our quotes are subject to airfare changes and additional services you request not already included in the quote. All quotes will include the proper medical personnel and equipment. Acceptance of this quote does not bind you to our quote.
  • Airmed International
    • Private Flight
    • $150K from Portugal to Portland
    • The recommendation we received stated: “these people are very easy to work with”
  • Advanced Air Ambulance
    • 1) Commercial Flight
      • $67.7k from Portugal to Portland
      • Medical Commercial-Stretcher Transport: The option is to transport the patient on a stretcher on board a commercial-airline flight. The patient will be escorted and monitored by two medical-escort attendants on the flight. The estimated price quote for this option is $67,700.00 US dollars. This type of transport requires more information on the patient for medical clearance to make sure that the patient is fit-to-fly. We also require a minimum of five to seven days advance confirmation. This estimated price for the Medical Commercial-Stretcher includes the following:
        • Stretcher on board the commercial airline
        • Certified medical equipment on board
        • Two medical-escort attendants on board (i.e. registered nurse and/or certified paramedic)
        • Airline tickets for the patient and two medical attendants
        • Flight medical-escort attantands fees and expenses and returned flight
        • Airline ticket for one family member (one-way)
        • Ground ambulance transportation at both ends of the flight
    • 2) Private Flight
      • $144.8k from Portugal to Portland
      • Private Jet Air Ambulance: This option is on an exclusively private dedicated Jet air ambulance aircraft. The patient is monitored by two flight medical attendants on board the private jet air ambulance aircraft.
      • The price estimate for this option is $144,800.00*** US dollars.
      • Estimated flight time is 13:00 hours.
      • This price includes the following:
        • Dedicated JET air ambulance aircraft
        • ALS certified medical equipment and stretcher on board required
        • Two flight medical attendants on board (i.e. registered nurse and/or certified paramedic)
        • A family member to accompany the patient on board
        • Ground ambulance transportation at both ends of the flight
  • Medical Air Service Worldwide
    • Private Flight
    • $182.4k from Portugal to Portland
    • Your quotation includes:
      • Medical assessment of the patient, and evaluation of the patient’s fitness to fly, by our experienced team of doctors
      • An ambulance flight in an air ambulance fitted with intensive care equipment
      • A medical staff (doctor and paramedic) on board
      • A ground transportation in an ambulance vehicle from the patient’s location to the departure airport, and then from the destination airport to the patient’s destination
      • Individual and personal care of the patient during the entire journey
      • 24/7 availability of your operations coordinator for any queries you may have
      • Regular updates on the progress of the ambulance flight

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