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Update 8/4/23

We have moved upwards of 15 times in the last 11 weeks…..hauling our luggage and our mom’s luggage from place to place, never feeling settled, and paying out the nose for Airbnb rentals. (What we have paid in temporary rentals, probably would’ve covered a furnished long term rental for 6 months or more!!). This entire experience would’ve been so much easier if we had a crystal ball and would’ve known the length or her recovery. Sigh….hindsight. We don’t have time for regrets in this situation, so onwards and upwards.

Our next big step is to secure a long term furnished rental! We need to be able to provide proof of wealth or passive income to rent an apartment here, which is difficult given that we have given up everything to be here. My brother has a small bit of passive income from his time in the military, Miesha (Matt’s wife) and Aaron (Megan’s life partner) are standing by and ready to help in whatever way they are able as well, I will be looking into getting a flexible job over here if I am able to work (but that is it’s own hurdle). We are going to really try to make it….but in combination of Mom’s care this is going to be super difficult.

Here is a list of estimated potential monthly expenses we face:
Rent: estimated €1,000
Food: estimated €300
Transportation: estimated €100
Medical Insurance: estimated €200 (per person, all inclusive including dental and vision with no deductibles and very little copays.). Obviously not a necessity but would feel safer with it for obvious reasons.

This totals about €1,800 a month, which is the USA equivalent of about $2,000.

I know this is a big ask of friends and family….but would you consider a monthly donation of $10 a month? Don’t want to have to think about this every month and remember to click that little donate button, would you consider a one time donation of $120 for the year?

I think if our friends and family could cover these basic expenses, it would alleviate so much stress and worry from our hearts and we would be forever grateful! We appreciate your consideration! Much love to you!

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