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Nov. 7 2023 | Maximus Update, Plea for Help!

We are desperately seeking your help to continue sharing our GoFundMe. We have exhausted our friends and family and need this to gain more traction with friends of friends of friends. We need the power of social media. We have sent out press releases and have been unsuccessful yet. We are working several angles and just need one of them to work out….and soon!

Mom has contracted her 6th and 7th hospital acquired infection, pneumonia and a UTI respectively. Pneumonia is very dangerous to someone in her condition. And because the public hospital she has been in for nearly 6 months now can no longer keep her, she is being transferred this week to a lower level hospital with even fewer resources.

Continue reading “Nov. 7 2023 | Maximus Update, Plea for Help!”

July 9th, 2023

Sorry it has been a while since we have updated. Mom is doing alright. She has another UTI and she is being treated. Luckily they caught this one before it caused seizures. For that we are grateful. Every time she battles an infection, her body struggles to do 2 things at once (wake up from a coma and fight an infection), so she usually turns less responsive. We usually see her turn a corner after the infection is gone though.

We continue to battle the bureaucracy of our government who isn’t helping and we are exhausted. I am hoping to make an appointment with the Embassy in person this week to see if seeing a face behind the emails and phone calls gives them enough empathy to do their jobs. All in all, we have reached out to the Embassy 10 times in the last 8 weeks to no avail.

Continue reading “July 9th, 2023”

June 13th, 2023

Whew!! What a crazy couple of days!!! Yesterday Mom’s seizures increased to happening every 5 minutes or so, it was awful to see and we were petrified! After running tests yesterday, they started treating her with antibiotics for a UTI and by this afternoon her seizures have stopped. This will likely delay her recovery but she did open BOTH of her eyes today and kept them open for about 30 minutes which she has never done before so that was good to see!!!!!! She didn’t really “register” what she was seeing if she was able to see but it’s still much better than yesterday. She is still at risk for pneumonia because people who have a trach and have seizures are at risk for aspiration so they will be keeping a close eye on that over the next few days. This experience has been one of the longest rollercoaster rides we’ve ever been on but we are so grateful to be experiencing a positive after a new days of fear.

We are still a very long ways away from having the funds necessary to transfer her back to the states and things have started to die down on the GoFundMe front so if you could help us continue to share this campaign to get her home, we would greatly appreciate it!!!❤️. Much love to you all!