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KGW Follow Up Report on Diana James

by Daisy Caballero

Link to Full Story | KGW (our local NBC news outlet) did a follow up interview today! A big thank you to those that continue to push our story and champion our cause! This event has been life altering for all of us and this will financially devastate our family indefinitely without assistance. If our story has touched you, here are six ways you can help us.

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The only place to go is towards tomorrow

In the days before our flight, we talked a lot about what it was going to be like. We did a lot of pretend play where we set up seats in the family room or sat inside boxes and “flew” around the world in our minds. We walked the block and talked about how busy airports are and how important it is to stay together and calm as much as possible. We wondered about what it would be like to see clouds out the window and we spun our toy globe hundreds of times thinking about the distance of things.

Yeah… I mean, if I went back in time and did it all again, I would still do all those things but despite my best attempts to prepare myself and two toddlers for what was up ahead, we were still a grand hot mess at several parts of this international flight. All in all, I have to give it up to these little Oxley ladies because they did amazingly all things considered. They were so well behaved in the airports and with the help of stranger angels along the way… we managed.

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Emergency passports and mothering amongst the struggle

Grandma got sick about a month before the end of the school year. I am a speech language pathologist in the schools and suddenly, the job I’ve always loved with a passion felt small. I kept feeling this pressure inside of me and the urge to cry. Every bit of me wanted to be with grandma and Matt and I wanted my girls to have their daddy back.

Matt and I were confident in the decision for us to join him and Megan for the summer. Surely this wouldn’t endure past another 6 weeks. We figured that we would all end up flying home together. Plenty of others thought we were crazy.

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