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October 15th | Humana’s 2nd Denial

We received a denial from Humana to medically transport our mom back to the states to receive medically necessary care that she is unable to receive in Portugal. We have started working with an attorney to facilitate the appeal.

Every day our family wakes up and sees an hourglass dripping sand and time that we will never get back on her road to recovery. TBI patients need to receive treatment between 3-12 months to achieve the best possible recovery…..tomorrow we crest the 5 month mark. Sigh….

Continue reading “October 15th | Humana’s 2nd Denial”

9/7/2023 | Back to the Beginning

A shot of the fire department that saved Diana's life

As we wind down to closing this chapter before moving on to the next chapter in her recovery, we took a trip to the firehouse in the town where our mother fell ill and personally thanked the firefighters for saving our mom’s life. We would not have our mother if it hadn’t been for their quick action in taking her to a neighboring town’s hospital and not waiting for an actual ambulance. Sometimes words just aren’t adequate enough to express such profound gratitude and appreciation. We will forever be indebted to them for giving us more time with her in this life.

We then visited the park where she was before she lost consciousness and just took in the last sight she likely had before going into a coma.

One of these days we hope to be able to share her story with her….it is a story of survival and beating every odd stacked against her like the badass girl boss she has always been. Our love and admiration for her has only grown exponentially since this event, there is no end to our love for her.❤️. We are so fortunate to have such an incredible mother.

Continue reading “9/7/2023 | Back to the Beginning”

Update 8/4/23

Megan holding Diana's Hand at the Hospital.

Sorry it’s been a while since we have updated. Brain injuries take a significant amount of time to heal and things happen at a snails pace. She continues to do new things every week, which keeps us very hopeful for her recovery. She is battling another infection currently so those always tend to set her back a little bit.

The nursing staff has been stellar and we have really enjoyed helping them when they come in to take care of Mom. We’ve learned her physiotherapy routine, how to bath her and help change her when needed.

Today was a very hard day as Matt’s wife Miesha and their kids flew back home to the states. They should be just arriving back home actually. It was wonderful to have them here. A big thank you to Miesha for taking such great care of the caretakers! . Miesha also got to spend some time with Mom and the last couple of days we got permission for their oldest to come to see her grandma, which I think was enjoyed by both Grandma and Granddaughter. We miss them already! . This situation is just so tough!! It’s uprooted everything in our lives and turned it upside down….but our family roots are stronger and I know we will weather this storm just like we’ve weathered all the others….we are stronger together. If there is one thing that our family has learned….it is that.

Thank you all for your continued love and support.

June 24th, 2023

Mom has been doing pretty good lately. Still a ways to recover but as we have learned, brains take time…a lot of time.

We continue to battle every bureaucratic road block possible. I have written an email to President Biden, no response. I have written to our state Governor, it isn’t something governor’s offices deal with. I have written to senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, I have heard back from Patty Murray’s office and they are essentially just as useless the US Embassy here in Lisbon. Then to top it all off, her Humana medical insurance is now refusing to provide a letter of guaranteed payment to the hospital in the amount of €51,000. While she has WORLDWIDE coverage for emergencies, her insurance is now expecting us to front the payment to the hospital and then return home to “seek” reimbursement. Who has this kind of money just laying around?! We can’t even afford to bring our mother home. In my opinion, they should be more than willing to pay the hospital the full amount and even tip them 50% for taking care of my mom because that would still be a fraction of what her care back home would cost.

I am at a complete loss! I am baffled as to how one of the richest countries in the world is willing to leave our family abandoned in a foreign country. The people of Portugal are baffled and they are considered a poor country, because in this country they would NEVER abandon one of their citizens abroad. All this situation has done for me is highlight every broken system in the US. We want to think that the USA cares about its people, but they don’t. The care about who is lining their pockets and that is it. We should be focused on my mom and her care, but instead we are left to navigate this nightmare of red tape and BS….it’s just unnecessary! It is truly disheartening and I just don’t know how much more I can take. My soul is literally crushed!