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Every Day, Being with Mom, In The Hospital

Every day we went to the hospital, only missing a handful of days over 6 months.  It was hard in the beginning….the not knowing if she would survive day to day.  Everyday was met with anxiety of even arriving at the hospital as they do not actually call you if your loved one passes during the night, they wait for you to come to the hospital the next day or call you in the morning. 

Once inside the ICU, every beep, every alarm was an imminent threat…a threat that her life continued to hang in the balance…..A threat that we might still lose her.  Watching the ventilator breathe for her, watching the ICP monitor fluctuate with the pressure in her skull, watching her blood pressure rise and drop without warning….all were constant reminders of how precious and fragile life is. 

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October 15th | Humana’s 2nd Denial

We received a denial from Humana to medically transport our mom back to the states to receive medically necessary care that she is unable to receive in Portugal. We have started working with an attorney to facilitate the appeal.

Every day our family wakes up and sees an hourglass dripping sand and time that we will never get back on her road to recovery. TBI patients need to receive treatment between 3-12 months to achieve the best possible recovery…..tomorrow we crest the 5 month mark. Sigh….

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9/7/2023 | Back to the Beginning

A shot of the fire department that saved Diana's life

As we wind down to closing this chapter before moving on to the next chapter in her recovery, we took a trip to the firehouse in the town where our mother fell ill and personally thanked the firefighters for saving our mom’s life. We would not have our mother if it hadn’t been for their quick action in taking her to a neighboring town’s hospital and not waiting for an actual ambulance. Sometimes words just aren’t adequate enough to express such profound gratitude and appreciation. We will forever be indebted to them for giving us more time with her in this life.

We then visited the park where she was before she lost consciousness and just took in the last sight she likely had before going into a coma.

One of these days we hope to be able to share her story with her….it is a story of survival and beating every odd stacked against her like the badass girl boss she has always been. Our love and admiration for her has only grown exponentially since this event, there is no end to our love for her.❤️. We are so fortunate to have such an incredible mother.

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June 4th, 2023

My mom’s sister and brother (Aunt Sandy and Uncle Terry) arrived today (by PST) in Braga which is ironically the same day our mom was supposed to fly home. We took them to visit mom today after lunch. Sandy is a retired nurse so I am very much looking forward to having an experienced medical professional here who can help us facilitate my mom’s care. Uncle Terry said she squeezed his fingers a little bit. We are all aware that she has a very long road to recovery ahead of her. However, if there is one person I believe in the most, it is our mother. I have intentionally stayed away from medically researching her diagnosis online…until today. Subdural hematomas have a 50-90% mortality rate. She had every odd stacked against her: the amount of time it took for her to get the surgery, the fact that she is elderly and has many other health concerns, the fact that she has a shunt in her brain already for NPH that only aided her hematoma by draining more spinal fluid from her brain and making room for more blood, the fact that her hematoma crossed the midline, and the fact that she was a 4 on the coma scale….all should’ve killed her. But she is still here and fighting to come back. She is breathing on her own, she can open her eyes for a little bit, she can move her legs, and can sometimes squeeze hands, her coma scale rating has improved and Matt and I strongly feel that she is comprehending the things we tell her and is finding small ways to communicate. She will definitely have a long road ahead of her and she will most likely never be the same again but we are grateful for every moment we have for her because we could’ve lost our mom and our lives would’ve been completely shattered, even more than they already are. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and well wishes. Also, please continue to share this campaign to bring her home. We cannot do this without your love and support!❤️