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Obituary | Diana Jo James | 1951-2024

Read The Official Obituary and Post Messages to her and her Family at
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in her honor to the Women’s Shelter of Clark County as they serve women leaving domestic abusive relationships.

Diana Jo James (Oxley) was born to Marian Opal Huddleston and Bill (Willis) Oxley on August 14th 1951 at Memorial hospital in Vancouver, Washington. She was their first born child to survive, which laid a foundation of strength for the life ahead of her. She would later have a total of two full siblings and five half-siblings, all of whom with the exception of one, she was tasked with raising while her parents worked full time, which was uncommon during that era. She graduated from Evergreen High School in 1970. She married and delivered three children of her own, Megan, Melissa (stillborn) and Matthew.

Diana held many careers over the course of her life. She started at Taco Bell as a teenager and insisted that today’s Taco Bell made the tacos wrong and would always politely ask them to put the cheese before the lettuce so it melted every time she ordered. She worked as a housekeeper at timeshares around the country in her early adult life which required her young family to move every six months to a year. When she gave birth to her last child Matthew, she decided to move back home to Vancouver to be close to family and eventually divorced the children’s biological father after years of domestic, physical and emotional abuse. She took a housekeeping job at PeaceHealth Hospital when it was SW WA Medical Center but after carpel tunnel surgery she was forced to find a job with less physical demands. Inspired by her youngest twin sisters Debby and Shelly, Diana became a job coach to differently abled persons and found true passion in her work. She felt that she was able to make a difference in her community by helping companies and communities facilitate acceptance and embracing of differently abled people. She always viewed her twin sisters as amazing people deserving of that same acceptance, love and support. It was quite common in that era to institutionalize people with special abilities, but their Mom Marian never gave that even a first thought. Diana’s raising of her siblings gave her a unique and specialized skill set to be an advocate of special and gifted people with passion and joy. Diana later went on to meet Jim (James) McCann through a mutual friend and became engaged shortly after Thanksgiving in 1994 before Jim was tragically murdered at the hands of a jealous sociopath just days before Christmas that same year. Shortly after that time, she found herself being laid off from her job coaching position and needed a more stable career to singlehandedly support her two children as the sole provider. She went back to school and completely reinvented herself, learning computer skills that secured her a temporary position with the City of Vancouver in Accounts Payable from which she was later made a permanent employee. She also picked up many other side hustles including office cleaning which she used to teach her children the value of a strong and dedicated work ethic as they cleaned together as a family to make ends meet. She retired from the City of Vancouver after 16 years of service in 2016 after suffering a health setback.

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Our loving mother, Diana, has passed away 4/11/24.

Time of Death April 11th, 2024 @ 3:16am 
GOOD VIBES ONLY (Sign from children)

Our Mom passed away this morning at 3:16 am. Matt and I were with her and holding her hand. She gripped both of our hands before it started and it ended when I whispered to her that there is love in letting go. 💕 We are devastated as we wake today without our mom in her earthly body. We are at peace knowing she is no longer suffering but we will miss her for the rest of our lives.💔

Continue reading “Our loving mother, Diana, has passed away 4/11/24.”

What a Difference 3 Weeks Makes

We have some really great news to share!! Wow, what a difference the last 3 weeks have made! It is very apparent that being sedated in Portugal definitely held her recovery back because our Mom is absolutely blossoming!!!!

Here is a list of 10 of Mom’s accomplishments in the last 10 days:

1. She has spoken her first words!
2. We think she can read!
3. She has memories!
4. She can laugh and smile!
5. She remembers people (even blew a kiss to her friend on a FaceTime call!!!)
6. She can engage in conversation most of the time and answer questions using her mouth or shaking her head.
7. Her personality and sense of humor is intact completely….she is definitely still smirking and cracking jokes!
8. She even sat on the edge of her bed today without much assistance!
9. She can tolerate having her trach capped and has had it downsized to the smallest size they go before they remove it!
10. She can pass items back and forth between her hands and even tried to brush her head when we handed her a brush!

We got a call from the doctor today on our way up to see her and they are reengaging PT, OT, and SLT because she is doing so well! This lady you guys…..She is kicking ass and taking names!!! We are so proud of her and her accomplishments!!!!!

Continue reading “What a Difference 3 Weeks Makes”

Mom is back in Washington! KGW8 News

Story by Daisy Caballero, KGW News 8

Full Story Link

We did it!!!!!


Mom officially arrived back in Washington last night (12/11/2023) at 10:20 pm and was directly transported to the University of Washington in Seattle and admitted to the hospital for the medical care she has desperately needed for 7 months.  It feels surreal and we are over the moon to all be back in the same state!!!  Our hearts are full and our family complete again!


.As we continue to navigate this next chapter, our efforts to raise money and continue to advocate for her care don’t stop with the  plane arriving.  We will need to pay off the $144,000 medical repatriation loan to the federal government and we will need money for ongoing care and treatment Humana will likely fight against covering.  Please consider continuing to follow and share our story on social media, the website and here. 

Thank you so much for all of your support, I cannot begin to tell you how much we have appreciated this amazing tribe of people!!  There are no words adequate for our level of appreciation!!  



Have you ever had a life altering event threaten the very existence of who you know yourself to be…who others know you to be?  

I think about this question often.  Not just in the sense of me wondering about the changed person my mom will become but also in the ways  my brother and I will be forever changed….and those who are closest will be forced to change as well.

I have often felt lost in this dumpster fire…wondering who I am and who I am becoming, if I will like myself after this (because I’ll be honest, I was just starting to dig that chick at 43 years old!), if others would still love me…if there would still be enough good in me to love  The emotions we’ve experienced in the last 6 months have completely buried me.  We are in survival mode and I have no doubt that will wreak havoc on our bodies for years to come because it’s unhealthy to have this much cortisol coursing through your veins, especially for long periods of time.  

Continue reading “Lost”