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This is Penguino. He’s become an important member of the Oxley family residence over these last few months. This soft, adorable little penguin is magically able to bring us close when the distance is obvious and inescapable. I love this little guy. 

Penguino on a bed in Washington

When the girls and I were in Portugal, we spent our days mostly playing pretend that we lived there more than the usual touristy types of things. I was making dinner most nights and helping to keep everyone’s clothes clean and folded which meant that errands needed ran and chores needed done. I was hoping to bring some feel of normalcy, familiar structure and familiar food to Megan and Matt while they were spending their days taking care of their mom at the hospital. 

There were a few times though that we would take a special outing to explore a bit. In our last days with Matt before our flight home we went to an aquarium in Porto. Honestly the thing I remember most about the aquarium is when I very publicly slammed my face into one of those peekaboo wall windows and smashed my nose with full force. I thought it was concave, I was wrong. I was in so much pain but also a fit of laughter. Aside from that… the aquarium is where we got Penguino. 

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