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Update 8/4/23

Megan holding Diana's Hand at the Hospital.

Sorry it’s been a while since we have updated. Brain injuries take a significant amount of time to heal and things happen at a snails pace. She continues to do new things every week, which keeps us very hopeful for her recovery. She is battling another infection currently so those always tend to set her back a little bit.

The nursing staff has been stellar and we have really enjoyed helping them when they come in to take care of Mom. We’ve learned her physiotherapy routine, how to bath her and help change her when needed.

Today was a very hard day as Matt’s wife Miesha and their kids flew back home to the states. They should be just arriving back home actually. It was wonderful to have them here. A big thank you to Miesha for taking such great care of the caretakers! . Miesha also got to spend some time with Mom and the last couple of days we got permission for their oldest to come to see her grandma, which I think was enjoyed by both Grandma and Granddaughter. We miss them already! . This situation is just so tough!! It’s uprooted everything in our lives and turned it upside down….but our family roots are stronger and I know we will weather this storm just like we’ve weathered all the others….we are stronger together. If there is one thing that our family has learned….it is that.

Thank you all for your continued love and support.

July 9th, 2023

Sorry it has been a while since we have updated. Mom is doing alright. She has another UTI and she is being treated. Luckily they caught this one before it caused seizures. For that we are grateful. Every time she battles an infection, her body struggles to do 2 things at once (wake up from a coma and fight an infection), so she usually turns less responsive. We usually see her turn a corner after the infection is gone though.

We continue to battle the bureaucracy of our government who isn’t helping and we are exhausted. I am hoping to make an appointment with the Embassy in person this week to see if seeing a face behind the emails and phone calls gives them enough empathy to do their jobs. All in all, we have reached out to the Embassy 10 times in the last 8 weeks to no avail.

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